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  Forum » FAQ & Tutorials » FAQ 6 - Schools Date
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1. What are these ‘Sports Schools’
A. They are a place where you invest money and in return you are rewarded with junior players whom you may train or sell

2. Should every manager have a school?
A. It’s not compulsory, but if you want to have better progression juniors at a reasonable cost you might think of opening a school.

3. What’s the cost of establishing a school and what is the weekly maintenance cost?
A. Cost of a school depends on 3 aspects 1) Population 2) Country rating and 3) Quality of the school you want to make. You have to pay the weekly maintenance costs too which also depends on the above factors. If you want to establish an excellent school in a country with 100% rating with more population you have to pay more.

4. What are public schools?
A. When you make a school public people can see its quality and progression of juniors in the schools but in no way they can change or steal or buy juniors from your school.

5. How do I put players into schools?
A. We do not put any players into school, schools themselves generate juniors at various times, with different averages and either 14 or 15 years of age..

6. When do I get my junior from my school I just established and at what rate will I get juniors in future?
A. Frequency of juniors depend on the population of country you choose to establish the school, the more population the higher the rate of juniors payout. For this is the list http://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlytaF5-whCxdGZ5ZTI0VFpTTl9HQjNWckNwWFdPa2c&hl=en_USgid=0#gid=0

7. Where can I see when I will get my next junior?
A. Go to the school’s menu then select your school by clicking on it then press details there you can see the date at which your next junior is due.

8. The average of junior in the school is too low, what shall I do?
A. Juniors who are still in school will show lesser average but their average is more than what is shown there, once promoted their average will jump up.

9. Is it same in the case of progression too, will it increase after junior is promoted from school?
A. No, progression remains the same for his whole career.

10. I have a new junior in school should I promote him or keep him in the school?
A. Try and promote as quick as possible as juniors do not train when they are in schools, but they do age.

11. What is the importance for foot height and weight?
A. They make no difference, which means a player with 1.5 m height will play the same as a player with similar attributes with 1.9 m height same in the case of left or right foot and weight. These attributes may be used at some point in the sim.

12. What determines the progression and average of a player from a school?
A. In general progression will depend upon the quality of school and country rating, which means you will get a higher progression junior from an excellent school in a 100% ranked country as apposed to an excellent school in a 50% ranked country or a regular school in a 100% ranked country. The starting average of a school junior is entirely random, so a 100% ranked country will not necessarily generate higher average juniors than a 50% ranked country.

13. Does this mean I will always get 85+ progression juniors from my excellent school in a 100% ranked country?
A. No, but the possibility of getting 85+ progression players increases. You will mainly still get juniors with progression less than 80 from those schools.

14. Can I upgrade my school to excellent later if I start with a lower quality school?
A. Yes, you can do it anytime.

15. Will I get refunded my money if I close a school?
A. if you close a school you will get 1% of the cost back

16. I have an excellent school but I am not able to pay its maintenance weekly and want to downgrade it so later when I want to upgrade it again to excellent do I need to pay money again then?
A. Yes, you will pay it again.

17. Will the quality of players coming from a school in the future increase if I upgrade my school
A. Yes, chances for getting juniors with higher progression will increase

18. Is there any restriction on number of schools I can establish?
A. No, there is no restriction.

Edited by @illex 15-03-2013 13:21
23/01/2012 06:32
  - Div/Gr
3756 msgs.
Best scorer
Here is the link to all schools and their details including construction cost and time for players and other stuff


LINK OUTDATED!**Please note that not all player times listed in that sheet are accurate. For more accurate times, please use this sheet:

Edited by @illex 15-03-2013 13:22
23/01/2012 15:32
  Team 141137 - Div4/Gr63
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