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  Forum » Doubts and questions » New Managers in Striker Manager Date
3363 msgs.
Best scorer
*Breaking News* (sorry to put it under this forum but its here where we've discussed it)

It seems all new managers are being put in Div 7 with 24 000 seater stadiums, now thats more like it!


Pat yourselves on the back, admin and developers and a big thank you for making this game a damn sight fairer to all


09/06/2011 08:03
  - Div/Gr
140 msgs.
Certainly a better move than filling up Div 6, but there are still bot teams and inactive ghosts in Div 6. Better to fill those before expanding any more.

For the future of the game, keeping casual starters in the game for longer is the only way that they'll be able to grow long term. Bright future, but the path is tricky from here.
09/06/2011 08:22
  - Div/Gr
3363 msgs.
Best scorer
Ninocchi said:
Certainly a better move than filling up Div 6, but there are still bot teams and inactive ghosts in Div 6. Better to fill those before expanding any more.

Agreed, but that should be sorted by the new season, besides active managers will move up the divisions where it gets more competitive. You are always going to get bots and ghosts in games like these. I refer to my other post where newbie accounts should be deleted after 14 days of inactivity instead of 45.

Edited by GunnerNic 09-06-2011 08:28
09/06/2011 08:26
  - Div/Gr
5569 msgs.
Golden Ball
This is by design, they've hit a power of 4


@Internat (3/15/2011)
"The game is designied this way:

1st div -> 1 group
2nd div -> 4 groups
3rd div -> 16 groups
4th div -> 64 groups
5th div -> 256 groups
6th div -> 1024 groups
7th div-> 4096 groups

We'll have enough teams to fill the entire tree soon."

Nothing has changed.

1st div -> 20 teams
2nd div -> 80 teams
3rd div -> 320 teams
4th div -> 1280 teams
5th div -> 5120 teams (50% ghost or more) (promotion of ghosts from 6th, promotion of a majority of active teams to 4th)
6th div -> 20480 teams (80% ghost or more) (promotion of active teams to 5th)
7th div -> 81920 teams (god only knows)

The game just crossed 25,600 teams. Enough to fill Division 5 & 6. The stats page confirms this.

It will actually make the problem worse! 11k teams are active. At best, 6k of these teams are really active....more likely, 5k

This is enough to fill Division 5 with active teams....and have a 20,000 team ghost division.
Then all new players go into Division 7.

So, now if i'm a new player, I have to play in groups with 12-17 ghosted teams for 2 seasons. That does not inspire confidence, it inspires 6 months of s**t play.

It doesn't address the basic problems...it only makes them worse:
1) New teams are created, and are looted of good players - concentrating talent and making the ghost teams even worse than they are.
2) Active managers in Division 6 that were unfortunate enough to get a team lower than 6th will be stuck there again next season, playing an even larger percentage of ghosts...you have to figure that 95% of relegated teams are ghosted, so you are in 6th division and the active teams are being replaced with garbage.
3) Division 6 managers promoted to Division 5 may have to fight their way through a division more than 50% populated by ghosts. A quick peek will show that a large percentage of the 6 teams that stay are ghosted.
Assuming ghosted teams are promoted, then if 4 of 10 are ghosts, Div 5 = 50% ghost.

Without intervention, Division 7 will fill within 6 months, another ***1,720,320 players***. leaving another, larger, full division of garbage.

The good news is that after enough time, there will be enough players for all of the Division 4 and 5 teams to be mega teams full of 80 progression, 70+ max squads.

I would still look for new managers going directly to division 5, because this was the last word from admin about that (@ranru April 26)
"Recently there have been many complaints about the fact that too good teams have been assigned to new users....
...Note that from today forward, we will not assign teams of the 5th Division to new users.
We will offer to new registered users a team of the 6th division. And the 5th division teams (or above) without manager will be offered to managers in the lower division.

And they handed out a division 5 team to a new user *yesterday* (see other thread on this topic)

Still waiting to hear *anything* from dev or admin. Seriously... Even the acknowledgement of a problem...

09/06/2011 08:55
  - Div/Gr
3363 msgs.
Best scorer
Well put Rebsiot.

Now do your figures again with a 10 day termination (co-inciding with the 10 day protection period to solve looting) of inactive newbies and assuming ghosts do not get promoted we may have a solution.
09/06/2011 09:08
  - Div/Gr
213 msgs.
Good job, admins! 09/06/2011 14:08
  - Div/Gr
3363 msgs.
Best scorer
Looks like Div 1 has been created with Bot Mgrs:

09/06/2011 15:17
  - Div/Gr
1241 msgs.
Hmmm 09/06/2011 15:34
  - Div/Gr
471 msgs.
First-team player
Yaaaay...some relief now some rookie wont fly past by me,everyone has got to crawl to the top! 09/06/2011 17:53
  - Div/Gr
471 msgs.
First-team player
I thot as the game progressed we create more divs until we got to the premier div...why create div 1 when nobody is goin to play there atleast for another 3 seasons. 09/06/2011 18:03
  - Div/Gr
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