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  Forum » FAQ & Tutorials » Exact Minute Date
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Let's be honest, we all like to see those links so beautiful that take us to the exact point of simulator that other manager wants to show us, without having to look for it. Doing this is very easy and it is very useful to report bugs sometimes and to share.

Normal links are like this:


Links to a exact point of time are like this:


Where X = game id and Y = "turno" based on minutes.

As we can see, we only have to add this at the end of the link : '&turno=Y'

To calculate Y we have do the following.

Considering that each minute is 400 "turns", we just multiply the minute we want to show. So, minute 27 is turn 10800 (400x27) and minute 81 would be turn 32400 (400x81).

To get down to the seconds level, remember to convert them to decimal before making the multiplication (for example, 10 minutes and 45 seconds (10:45) would be 10.75 ( 10 + 45/60 ) and therefore turn 4300). Anyway, it's usually better to add or to remove 100 or 50 until we reach the exact point we want.

I hope you find this useful.

Edited by @Dnsvnsk 14-08-2012 20:31

Edited by @sicox86 20-01-2022 10:52
14/08/2012 13:28
  - Div/Gr
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