Monday, 15 April 2024
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Vote Zinder (Nigeria)
Friday, 5 🦊3773™
Philosophies, Formations, Tactics, Positionings, Arrangements, Organizations, Movements, Team plays, Build-ups, Attacks, Counterattacks, Presses, High presses, Forcing mistakes, Counterpresses, Good defense set-ups etc.

Proper consideration of all these aforementioned points, well drafted and properly implemented will show that it all works together, everything is the same, no matter how good or how bad it looks. It's all the same.

So while working our asses out arranging players the way we like, the big question being left out is asking the players how they feel in that position.

Football is just a sport, Striker Manager is just a game and we're all here to have fun and having said that, I hope all will be well.

Welcoming Football 101.