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  Forum » Suggestions » Change of player name Date
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
Whatamidoinghere said:
Oyewale said:
What about change of username for 250GBs???


I still won't give you my account. Wtf? You want to rename it to my name?

I have better ideas man
11/03/2016 17:57
  🦊3773™ - Div3/Gr6
1093 msgs.
elfolksy said:
gangstars said:
I oppose this idea, i dont want to see a player from brazil bearing the name of a nigerian, or a player from germany bearing lionel messi, i think the current rename feature is better. it keeps the original name and the nickname together

Well that is your opinion Gangstars.

Have you heard of John Fashanu (Nigeiran British), Zinedine Zidane(Algerian France), Francileudo Santos(Brazillian Tunisia), Mario Balotelli (Ghana Italian), Odonkor (Ghana German), Gabriel Agbolahor (Nigerian British), Deco(Brazilian Portuguese), and many more.
These are players that have feature for different countries but were names of a different Nationale and origin.

Edited by elfolksy 08-03-2016 14:17

I support your views
13/03/2016 09:41
  Zero 0effort♻️ - Div3/Gr5
880 msgs.
MVP of the game
Oyewale said:
elfolksy said:
Find out the statistics and get back to us, I am sure there are new managers that have option of renaming with 5GB, let us know how many renamed to Messi or Ronaldo so far.

It's actually a great idea, talking about creating more ways of generating more funds for the game. That's only if the devs want to

What about change of username for 250GBs???


I want to change my best player to oyewale
and let change our username with 1200GB
13/03/2016 12:30
  - Div/Gr
540 msgs.
MVP of the game
I think that instead of nick names, we should be able to Name the players completely, and change their countries as a WHOLE, ALSO this game needs to ADD MORE JAMAICANS on this game, for whatever reason there are no Jamaican players, yet we reached the GOLD CUP FINAL last year. 29/03/2016 00:14
  - Div/Gr
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
Yeah, that could cost around 4000-5000 GBs 29/03/2016 00:21
  🦊3773™ - Div3/Gr6
540 msgs.
MVP of the game
no, Loool make it for free. and yes there are loads of CR7s and stuff, but its alright if everyone had the same player. 29/03/2016 00:23
  - Div/Gr
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
Winfried Schafer said:
no, Loool make it for free.

Then be ready to work as a cleaner/messenger at Uplay studios for a year for free. You can do that right???
29/03/2016 00:30
  🦊3773™ - Div3/Gr6
540 msgs.
MVP of the game
yh would be fun . 29/03/2016 00:32
  - Div/Gr
540 msgs.
MVP of the game
Oyewale could you Add Jamaica to Striker manager plz?? we made the gold cup final, won the carribbean cup and are doing well now 29/03/2016 00:32
  - Div/Gr
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
Lol, I can't do that 29/03/2016 00:58
  🦊3773™ - Div3/Gr6
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